Lent: Ash Wednesday, Stations of the Cross & Rice Bowls

We will celebrate Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes at 1 pm and 5:30 pm on March 5th. Remember, Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. The Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence.

Stations of the Cross will be prayed on the Fridays of Lent at 5:30 pm in the church.

Almsgiving is one of the 3 pillars of Lent – the other two are prayer and fasting. Rice Bowls to support the important work of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) throughout the world will be available at all doors of the church beginning March 1st & 2nd. Please put in spare change daily, eat a simple meal once and week and put the money saved in your Rice Bowl, put in the money saved from something you gave up for Lent – create a new family tradition to support CRS and fulfill your Lenten almsgiving responsibility.

Catholic Charities 2025 In-Pew Campaign – 2nd Weekend

Due to the bad weather the weekend of February 15-16, we will again offer the 2025 In-Pew Campaign for Catholic Charities the weekend of February 22-23. If you made your pledge through the mail or pledged Feb. 15-16, you will NOT have to fill out an envelope again. All monies raised in this extremely important campaign remain in our diocese to help those in need across our 8 county diocese. There are many programs right here in Summit County which are funded by Catholic Charities so please pray about your pledge amount and be ready to participate. On behalf of those in need, thank you.

Community Meal – February 2025

Our next take-out meal will be available Tuesday, February 25th from 4:30 pm until we run out (usually by 5 pm) in front of Waldeisen Hall. Menu: Creamy chicken and rice with vegetables, applesauce, bread & brownie. If you know someone who’s sick or shut-in and would enjoy a delicious meal, make their day by picking one up and delivering it!

Congratulations, Lorie!

On Friday, November 15th at the 46th Annual Bishop William Cosgrove Justice Dinner and Awards, parishioner Lorie Papp received the Faithful Servant Award from the Catholic Commission of Summit County for her work with our St. Vincent de Paul Society and her dedication to the parish and those we serve. WE ARE PROUD OF YOU, LORIE!!!!!!!!!! Please enjoy these pictures from her big night.


Thanks to the generosity of our participants we were able to raise $1,630.00 this year towards the renovation of the space between Waldeisen Hall and the school building to be known as the Fr. Michael B. Smith Memorial Garden. Thank you for helping to make our dream come true.