The dispensation from attending Mass was lifted by the Catholic Bishops of the State of Ohio the weekend of June 5-6 and it’s been wonderful to see you and welcome you back to the Eucharist!!! From their letter, “Those who have a serious reason are exempt from attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. This includes those are ill, have significant health risk factors or care for someone who is immuno-compromised or ill, as well as those who have significant fear or anxiety of contracting the coronavirus in a large group of persons.” If you have not been vaccinated you will be required to wear a mask in church for your safety and that of the rest of the congregation. If you have been vaccinated, you don’t need to wear the mask unless you feel safer wearing it.
LIFTING OF MANY SAFETY GUIDELINES – Beginning Wednesday, June 2, face masks and social distancing will no longer be required in churches in our diocese. HOWEVER, THOSE NOT YET VACCINATED AND THE OTHERWISE VULNERABLE SHOULD CONTINUE TO WEAR A FACE MASK. If you have been vaccinated, but feel more comfortable wearing a face mask and practicing social distancing, please feel free to do so. OTHER CHANGES – the following will be re-instated: use of holy water fonts, processions at the beginning and end of Mass, offertory processions and collections, liturgical ministers, choirs. Distribution from the cup of the Precious Blood remains suspended.
Here at I.C. – all doors are open for entrance to the church. Holy water can be found in the fonts at the doors and sanitizer is still available for your use. There will be no offertory procession or collection at this time – please continue to put your envelopes in the basket by the front pews as you arrive or as you come to Communion. Servers will be scheduled for weekend Masses only. You may sit anywhere in the church, hopefully towards the front so that we may better worship as a community and family of faith. Hymnals have been returned to the pews. Thank you.