Due to the cold weather, the Kenmore Free Store and Immaculate Conception Bingo will be closed this week, Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively. Both of these follow the protocol for the Akron Public Schools so if Akron Public Schools are closed on Tuesday, the Free Store will be closed. If the Schools are closed on Wednesday, there will be NO Bingo.
Community Meal – January 2025
Our next take-out meal will be available Tuesday, January 28th from 4:30 pm until we run out (usually by 5 pm) in front of Waldeisen Hall. Menu: Italian Casserole, pasta, bread, brownies. If you know someone who would enjoy a delicious meal, but can’t get out, pick one up and deliver it!
Congratulations, Lorie!
On Friday, November 15th at the 46th Annual Bishop William Cosgrove Justice Dinner and Awards, parishioner Lorie Papp received the Faithful Servant Award from the Catholic Commission of Summit County for her work with our St. Vincent de Paul Society and her dedication to the parish and those we serve. WE ARE PROUD OF YOU, LORIE!!!!!!!!!! Please enjoy these pictures from her big night.
Thanks to the generosity of our participants we were able to raise $1,630.00 this year towards the renovation of the space between Waldeisen Hall and the school building to be known as the Fr. Michael B. Smith Memorial Garden. Thank you for helping to make our dream come true.
Pizza and Pumpkin Decorating 2024 Recap
On Sunday, October 13th, lots of creative and hungry people gathered to decorate pumpkins, eat pizza and share fellowship. Enjoy these pictures from our family-friendly, fun event. Thank you to Acme for the donation of pumpkins and to several local pizza establishments for donating pizza.
R.C.I.A. – now O.C.I.A. (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults)
If you know someone who is interested in becoming Catholic, please have them call the rectory to make an appointment with Melissa.