He is Risen, Alleluia!

Happy Easter everyone!  Congratulations to Phyllis Stock who was Baptized, Confirmed and received her First Communion at the Easter Vigil.  Congratulations as well to Kim Kreeger who was Confirmed and received her First Communion at the Easter Vigil at Sacred Heart Wadsworth.  Because of her schedule and location, it was best for Kim to go throught the RCIA process there, but we welcome them both to the Catholic Church!!

Here is a picture of Phyllis with her sponsor, Ruthann.  So sorry we do not have one for Kim 🙁

Rite of Election 2019

On the First Sunday of Lent, the Catholic Church, world-wide, celebrates The Rite of Election for those in the R.C.I.A. process.  Those never baptized are declared “The Elect of God” by the local bishop signifying that God has chosen or elected them to be baptized and enter into the Church, the Body of Christ.  Those already baptized, but not Catholic, are also recognized by the Bishop and encouraged as they seek full communion with the Church.  In our diocese, Bishop Perez met every person seeking to come into the Church as well as their Godparents and Sponsors and because of the size of the diocese and the size of the Cathedral, he celebrated the Rite twice!  Please keep all those who are seeking to become Catholic in your prayers.  Our parish is looking forward to welcoming Phyllis Stock into the Church at the Easter Vigil.

Holiday on the Blvd. 2018

Kenmore held its annual  “Holiday on the Blvd.” event on Saturday, December 1st and once again our parish participated by welcoming our neighbors to our property.  The weather was warm enough, but the rain affected the number of people participating in the community event.  Hope you enjoy these pictures which captured the day at I.C.


Feast Day Celebration

On December 8th, the Church celebrates  the Immaculate Conception of our Blessed Mother.  This doctrine, declared a dogma of the Church by Pope Pius IX on December 8, 1854, affirms that Mary was preserved, from the moment of her conception, from the stain and consequences of original sin  as she would become the Mother of Jesus, the Savior of the world, and the first to benefit from what Jesus would win for all of us.

Because the feast day fell on a Saturday this year and because it IS our parish feast day, we celebrated with a light luncheon following the 11:00 am Mass.  Thank you to those who made and donated salads and side dishes and thank you again to our wonderful Parish Activities Committee.  As you can see everyone enjoyed the food and followship.  Happy Feast Day!

Game Night Recap

As the pictures show, a fun time was had by all at Game Night, Friday, November 9th.  Hope you join us at our next event!

Ministry Fair – update

Immaculate Conception held a Ministry Fair on the weekend of October 13-14.    Like any family, our family of faith has work to be done and we need everyone to be involved.  Our motto is “Everyone can do something” so what will you do???  I.C. Spirit – catch it!   Check out these pics from the event.  If you couldn’t attend, but see a ministry or group that “speaks” to you, give us a call at 330-753-8429!