99 Years and Counting! Time to celebrate – update.

On Wednesday, March 23rd we marked the 99th year of ministry to the Kenmore area with Mass and a small reception. We look now to our 100th year and new and exciting ministry opportunities. We are forming a committee to plan various activities as we head into our 100th year. If interested in serving on the committee, please call the rectory at 330-753-8429 to share your stewardship. Unfortunately the camera battery, newly charged, failed, so there are no pictures of those who came over to celebrate, but Beth and Joe Langton took these of the cakes and the new banner. I.C. Spirit – catch it!

Christmas review

Thought you might like to see a few pictures of the church at Christmas, in case you weren’t able to see it in person.

Free Store receives an award

The Kenmore Free Store was awarded the Bishop Anthony Pilla Leadership Award at the annual Summit County Catholic Commission Bishop Cosgrove Justice Dinner on November 19th. Members from Park United Methodist Church along with Fr. Mike and Pastoral Associate, Melissa Keegan, attended the event. Thank you to the Commission for this honor and thank you to all who work so hard in the store sorting and stocking items for our shoppers. Your diligence, care and faithfulness are inspiring.

Free Store Christmas Blow-out Event – update and pictures

Because the Free Store was closed last Christmas due to COVID, we had a huge and amazing collection and assortment of Christmas items that we needed to move out so we had a Christmas Blow-Out Event on Saturday, December 4th in Waldeisen Hall. When we said we had a lot of items, we weren’t kidding! Check out the pictures – every table in the hall was full. At the end, items that were left filled 3 tables. It was so much fun!

Bingo is open!

We are happy to announce the return of our Bingo program. Doors will open at 9:30 am and games will begin at 11:00 am; seating is open – no restrictions. We offer paper as well as computers for your play as well as a variety of instant bingo games. The kitchen will be open to offer food and beverages.

RULES: As of right now, if you are vaccinated, you do not have to wear a mask, but we encourage everyone to wear one. If you are not vaccinated, masks are required. MANAGEMENT HAS THE RIGHT TO MAKE MASKS MANDATORY AT ANY TIME.

As we re-open, we ask everyone to be courteous and respectful of one another and patient with the staff.


A parishioner has informed us that they received an email, supposedly from Fr. Mike, asking for three $100.00 gift cards. Neither Fr. Mike, nor the parish, has sent nor would ever send such emails. Please be aware and cautious.