Christmas at the rectory

It’s not the same as Christmas at The Biltmore or Stan Hywet, but we thought you might like to see some of the decorations at the rectory. Wish you could come in to see them, but since that’s not possible, we hope you enjoy these.

Christmas Tree Blessing from The Book of Blessings

Here is a simple blessing that you or you and your family can do at home to bless your Christmas tree.

Make the sign of the cross. Leader: Blessed be the name of the Lord. All: Now and for ever. Leader: Let us listen to the words of Sacred Scripture: Someone read from Titus 3:4-7 or Is. 9:1-6 Leader: (With hands joined) Lord our God, we praise you for the light of creation: the sun, the moon, and the stars of the night. We praise you for the light of Israel: the Law, the prophets, and the wisdom of the Scriptures. We praise you for Jesus Christ, your Son: he is Emmanuel, God-with-us, the Prince of Peace, who fills us with the wonder of your love. Lord God, let your blessing come upon us as we illuminate this tree. May the light and cheer it gives be a sign of the joy that fills our hearts. May all who delight in this tree come to the knowledge and joy of salvation. We ask this through Christ our Lord. All: Amen LIGHT THE TREE Leader: May the God of glory fill our hearts with peace and joy. All: Amen

Bambinelli Blessing and parishioner greeting videos

On the 3rd Sunday of Advent, children and their families traditionally gather in St. Peter’s Square for a special papal blessing of the Christ Child, “Bambinelli,” figure from their nativity scene and we carried on that tradition last weekend at all Masses. For those not yet coming to Mass, we wanted to be sure you could participate so hold up your Bambinelli and watch the video of Fr. Mike as he blesses your figurine. Also, some of your fellow parishioners wanted to say “hello!” We hope you enjoy these videos and are counting the days when we can all gather together for worship once again. In the meantime, stay safe, stay well, wear your masks and call upon the Lord for strength and courage as we wait in these final says of Advent for the coming of our Lord Jesus, who is the Light of the world.

Free Store – thinking outside the box

With the pandemic in full swing, the store closed and winter coats just sitting in the store, something had to be done so The Kenmore Free Store held two Drive-Thru Coat Give-Away events! Here are some pictures to check out.

BIG NEWS: TV Mass changes to WUAB 43

As you may have read, the televised Catholic Mass on Fox 8 was moved from 6 am to 5 am which was really inconvenient and upsetting for diocesan Catholics SO the diocese cut ties with Fox 8 and has partnered with WUAB Channel 43, the CW. Beginning Sunday, November 22nd, Mass from the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Cleveland will be broadcast at 10:00 am !! This Mass can be viewed by those with and without cable. If you have cable, check your local cable system listings for the correct station. For those with computers or tablets, etc., the TV Mass can be seen on the diocesan website starting Saturday evenings and on Sundays. Mass is also livestreamed from the Cathedral of St. John every Sunday at 8 am and Monday-Friday at noon on the diocesan website which is

In addition, you can hear the Mass at 4 pm on Saturdays and 10:30 am Sundays on Cleveland’s Catholic radio station, AM 1260, The Rock. Also, you can hear the Mass on radio station AM 1330 at 9 am on Sunday. If you are a Cox Communications customer, you can see the Mass at 11:30 am on channel 45.