Free Store – thinking outside the box

With the pandemic in full swing, the store closed and winter coats just sitting in the store, something had to be done so The Kenmore Free Store held two Drive-Thru Coat Give-Away events! Here are some pictures to check out.

BIG NEWS: TV Mass changes to WUAB 43

As you may have read, the televised Catholic Mass on Fox 8 was moved from 6 am to 5 am which was really inconvenient and upsetting for diocesan Catholics SO the diocese cut ties with Fox 8 and has partnered with WUAB Channel 43, the CW. Beginning Sunday, November 22nd, Mass from the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Cleveland will be broadcast at 10:00 am !! This Mass can be viewed by those with and without cable. If you have cable, check your local cable system listings for the correct station. For those with computers or tablets, etc., the TV Mass can be seen on the diocesan website starting Saturday evenings and on Sundays. Mass is also livestreamed from the Cathedral of St. John every Sunday at 8 am and Monday-Friday at noon on the diocesan website which is

In addition, you can hear the Mass at 4 pm on Saturdays and 10:30 am Sundays on Cleveland’s Catholic radio station, AM 1260, The Rock. Also, you can hear the Mass on radio station AM 1330 at 9 am on Sunday. If you are a Cox Communications customer, you can see the Mass at 11:30 am on channel 45.

Welcome Bishop Malesic

Pope Francis named Bishop Edward Malesic, former Bishop of Greensburg, PA as the new Bishop of Cleveland. He was installed at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Cleveland on Monday, September 14th, the Feast of The Exaltation of the Holy Cross. If you missed the Installation Mass you can go to the diocesan website at to watch it and to see more information about our new bishop.

Food pantry is open

The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry is open for business! If you are a parishioner in need of food, please call the rectory. If you know of someone in the 44314 zip code in need, have them call InfoLine at 330-376-4850. All parishioner and InfoLine names are given to the the pantry staff and requests are filled accordingly. The pantry is open on Thursday afternoons to fill those requests – when they have been filled and picked up, the pantry is closed. You must be able to come to the pantry to pick your order – there will be no deliveries. ID is needed and additional paper work may be needed.

Faith resources during these times – update

It is exactly in difficult times like these that we need to be connected to one another and to the Church. Check out these websites which can help you do just that: Go to the top and click on “Offices”, go to the left and scroll down for “Worship” and click. There are resources and a partial listing of parishes that are livestreaming Masses. (register under St. Augustine, Barberton) is a great place to keep up with your faith, learn new things and continue to be engaged. Sunday Mass is broadcast on WUAM 43 at 10:00 am and you can hear Mass on 1330 AM at 9:00 am and 1260 AM at 10:30 am. You can also check EWTN. Additional resource: This is the official site of the United States Council of Catholic Bishops and there is all sorts of information on it. ***Additional resource:

Please know of our prayers for all of you and our world.