
This is a prayer to combat the Corona virus pandemic put out by Ascension Press:

Most merciful and Triune God, we come to you in our weakness. We come to you in our fear. We come to you with trust for you alone are our hope. We place before you the disease present in our world. We turn to you in our time of need. Bring wisdom to doctors. Give understanding to scientists. Grant strength to our leaders. Endow caregivers with compassion and generosity. Bring healing to those who are ill. Protect those who are most at risk. Give comfort to those who have lost a loved one. Welcome those who have died into your eternal home. Stabilize our communities. Unite us in our compassion. Remove all fear from our hearts. Fill us with confidence in your care.

Jesus, I trust you. Jesus, I trust you. Jesus, I trust you. Amen

Happy 97th Anniversary

In the midst of this time of separation, we have something to celebrate – our 97th anniversary!! The parish was founded on March 23, 1923 by Fr. John Waldeisen. While an orchard consisting of 13 lots at 16th and Battles Ave. was being cleared, Mass was said in the old Boulevard Theater on Kenmore Blvd near 13th St. The first Mass was celebrated in the original church/school building on Easter Sunday, April 20th, 1924. So lift a glass, toast one another and the day we will be together again.

Soul for the Soul – Recap

On Sunday, February 16th, our Parish Activities Committee hosted its annual Soup for the Soul event. Delicious soups and chili, bread and desserts were served by great people!! It was a wonderful event and thanks go out to the Parish Activities Committee, our chefs, John Osolin for the bread, those who donated desserts and all who came to support fellow parishioners and share fellowship. Congratulations to our winning chefs: Lori Eggert, June Osolin and Chris Eggert. Enjoy these pictures from the event.

Holiday on the Blvd. – recap

The Kenmore community kicked off the Christmas season on Saturday, December 7th with Holiday on the Blvd. As a vital part of the community, the parish participated by welcoming our neighbors to the property where they found food, games, crafts and cards to sign for our Kenmore First Responders. Thank you to all who shared their stewardship to make this event a true success. I. C. Strong!! We hope you enjoy these pictures from the day.

Honoring Fr. Waldeisen 2019

Founding pastor, Fr. John Waldeisen passed away on June 3, 1957 and each year the parish honors him by laying a wreath at his grave at Holy Cross Cemetery.