Bingo is open!

We are happy to announce the return of our Bingo program. Doors will open at 9:30 am and games will begin at 11:00 am; seating is open – no restrictions. We offer paper as well as computers for your play as well as a variety of instant bingo games. The kitchen will be open to offer food and beverages.

RULES: As of right now, if you are vaccinated, you do not have to wear a mask, but we encourage everyone to wear one. If you are not vaccinated, masks are required. MANAGEMENT HAS THE RIGHT TO MAKE MASKS MANDATORY AT ANY TIME.

As we re-open, we ask everyone to be courteous and respectful of one another and patient with the staff.


A parishioner has informed us that they received an email, supposedly from Fr. Mike, asking for three $100.00 gift cards. Neither Fr. Mike, nor the parish, has sent nor would ever send such emails. Please be aware and cautious.

We made the top 5!

A couple of you dropped off copies of the Sunday, June 13th Akron Beacon Journal which listed the 2021 Best of the Best winners and there we were – in the top 5 under “Places to Worship”!!! THANK YOU to all who voted for us – this is very cool. Invite your friends to come to Mass with you, invite them to come to the Rubber Ducks game and introduce them to fellow parishioners. I.C. Spirit – catch it!

Vandals struck

On Saturday morning, June 19, it was discovered that vandals had pushed over our marquee on the corner of 16th St. and Battles Ave. A police report was made and insurance and the diocese have been notified so that we can get repairs started. Pray for those in our community who delight in destroying the property of others. Fortunately neither the marble nor the glass in the sign were damaged. FYI – We are happy to report that the marquee has been repaired!!

Akron Rubber Ducks outing – update

Our parish outing saw the Akron Rubber Ducks defeat the visiting Richmond Flying Squirrels 5-3 on Friday, July 23rd and it was great night for a ball game: great group of people from I.C. and Park United Methodist, a victory, full moon and fire works, you just can’t beat that! Hope you enjoy these pictures.