The parish hosted its annual outing to the Akron Rubber Ducks on Friday, July 13th when the Ducks took on the Binghamton Rumble Ponies. What the heck is a Rumble Pony??? Besides fireworks after the game, we were also able to see Tim Tebow, former quarterback for the University of Florida and several pro football teams, who is the left-fielder for the Rumble Ponies; his first at-bat was a home run. It wasn’t looking good for the Ducks as they trailed 5-0 going into the bottom of the 7th, but they scored 5 runs to tie up the game. In what became an exciting see-saw battle, the Ducks pulled it out in the 11th inning by a score of 8-7!! The Indians also knocked off the Yankees so it was a great night for the Indian’s organization. Thank you to all who came out for some fellowship and to support the Ducks.