May Crowning 2017

May Crowning was held on Thursday, May 4th.  June Osolin crowned the statue of our Blessed Mother and her husband, John was her attendant.

Kenmore Free Store Update & pics

Immaculate Conception Parish and Park United Methodist Church have partnered on a ministry called the Kenmore Free Store, located in Maher Hall at Immaculate Conception.  The store is an inter-denominational, faith-based collaborative ministry operating under the guidelines of the IRS as a 501(c) 3 charity and is overseen by a joint task force currently made up of members of Park U. M., I. C. and local business persons.  The store’s mission is ” to provide the good news of Jesus Christ, genuine Christian love and fellowship as well as clothing and common household necessities to all at no cost or obligation.”  The store is staffed by Ministry Partners (stewards) who give of their time and talent to serve the men, women and children of our community of Kenmore and surrounding area.

Ministry Partners serve in a variety of ways:  Sorters: pre-sort, sort, size and hang items for the store, Runners: take the items from the sorting area (3rd floor of Waldeisen Hall) down to the store (Maher Hall), Greeters, Registration, Check-out and Helpers all assist our shoppers in the store.  Ministry Partners are always welcome and we encourage you to pray about becoming involved.  If you enjoy serving others, this is the place for you!  Come by and check it out on a Saturday morning or a Tuesday evening or call I.C. at 330-753-8429 or Park U. M. at 330-745-3714 for information.

If you’d like to make a donation of items you may drop them off in the blue bin by the back door of Maher Hall at any time or you can drop them off in Maher Hall during store hours (please use bags that will fit into the opening in the bin – no boxes).  See below.  If you would like to make a monetary gift to assist this ministry, please make the check out to Park United Methodist Church and put “Free Store” on the memo line.  Monetary donations may be dropped off at Immaculate Conception or at Park United Methodist.

Store Location:  Maher Hall (off the I.C. parking lot – building with the big brown cross)

Shopping Hours:  Saturdays from 9:30 am until noon (except holiday weekends) AND Tuesdays from 4:30- 7 pm

Donations:  We take clothing in all sizes for men, women, teens, children and infants, household and kitchen items, books, linens, towels, bedding, belts, purses, small appliances, footwear, toys, etc. Donation receipts are available.  We would ask that you wash all clothes to be donated before you bring them to the store and check to make sure all small appliances work.

                                                        Membership:  Need to register on the first visit.  All items are free of charge.





Leadership Award for Garden Soxx

Fr. Mike and Melissa along with Mary Ann Gesaman and Chris Beaver from Park United Methodist Church attended the 38th Annual Bishop Cosgrove Justice Dinner on Friday, December 2nd at St. Matthew’s Parish to receive the Bishop Anthony M. Pilla Leadership Award for our collaboration on the Akron Family Garden Initiative (Garden Soxx).  The award is given “to groups or individuals who have brought together people or organizations in new partnerships to educate, raise awareness or find solutions for problems with the vulnerable populations among us.”  Thank you to the Catholic Commission for this recognition and to all of you who have supported this ministry by adopting a garden for an at-risk-family, helping to deliver and plant gardens or through your prayers.


Fr. Mike & Bob celebrate Halloween

“Bob” made his debut Saturday, much to the delight of the neighborhood Trick or Treaters.  On October 31st, Halloween Day, “Bob” guarded the rectory and greeted passers-by.  Fr. Mike joined him for a photo op, decked in true Minion style!  Thanks to Joe Langton for the decorated gourd.

Fr. Mike with his Minion friend, "Bob."
Fr. Mike with his Minion friend, “Bob.”

New gas meter

Our church property was not safe from the digging that has taken over 18th St., 17th St. and Kenmore Blvd.  It was decided by the gas company that our old, antiquated gas meter needed to be replaced and so the adventure began.  They needed to dig to connect the new gas lines to the church and the rectory and then they removed the old meter.  Unfortunately, the new meter they brought was the wrong kind so we await the new one.  Here are some pictures of the work.