Thank you to all who came to our Drive Thru Blessing Event on May 10th – it was so good to see you!! I wish we had pictures to show you, but it was so busy we didn’t have time to take any. Fr. Mike, Fr. Sam and the staff were excited to welcome you back to the property and we hope you were excited to be here. If you couldn’t come, you can pick up a bulletin and the latest letter from the Ohio Bishops at the back door of the rectory.
GIANT shout-out
We are incredibly grateful to Mike Grace, President of TNT Exterminating Co., a wonderful, generous and gracious friend to the parish, who came with a crew on Friday, April 17th to sanitize the church, the Free Store and first floor of the school along with Hitch, Waldeisen and Maher Halls. TNT takes care of our pest control and monthly inspections and during this difficult time, they have figured out how to use their equipment to sanitize against this terrible Covid-19. If you have need of an exterminating company, please consider giving our friends at TNT a call!!

Easter scripture and message from Fr. Mike
Alleluia! He is Risen! Happy Easter everyone. We all know that this isn’t the Easter we had expected or planned. We can’t be together to celebrate this joyous feast as a parish family and we can’t gather around the family dinner table as we had anticipated. Although many traditions have been affected, Christ rose from the dead and that we can celebrate – each in our own way, from our own homes. Through video, we bring to you the Easter readings and Fr. Mike’s homily. As we watch and listen, let us pray for one another, for all who have died, who are sick. who have lost loved ones to this terrible virus and to the time we can all gather once more to worship our Risen Lord. In the meantime, let us remember that the Church isn’t just the place we go to worship – let us remember that we are the Church and express that through our love of neighbor and our compassion for those in need. May the light of Christ brighten the way through this difficult time and may God bless each of you and keep you safe.
Video of the Renewal of Priestly Vows
At the Holy Thursday Mass, Fr. Mike and Fr. Sam renew their priestly vows. We videotaped this so that you can see your priests and pray for and with them as they renew their commitment to Christ, to the Church and to all of you.
Video message from Fr. Mike
Fr. Mike wanted to send his greetings to you so we videotaped that, the blessing of the palms and a look at the sanctuary. We miss you all.
Reflections on the Stations of the Cross
As the Church enters this holiest of weeks, we encourage you to go to and pray the Stations of the Cross with Bishop Robert Barron, Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles, Theologian and founder of Word on Fire whose materials we have used extensively for our Adult Faith Formation sessions. His reflections are insightful and profound, the artwork is beautiful and the hour you spend will help set this week apart from all others and help you to unite your pain, suffering and sacrifice in this difficult time with that of our Lord. We pray you will find this resource meaningful and comforting.