I.C. Night at the Rubber Ducks – Recap

The parish hosted its annual outing to the Akron Rubber Ducks on Friday, July 13th when the Ducks took on the Binghamton Rumble Ponies.  What the heck is a Rumble Pony???  Besides fireworks after the game, we were also able to see Tim Tebow, former quarterback for the University of Florida and several pro football teams, who is the left-fielder for the Rumble Ponies; his first at-bat was a home run.  It wasn’t looking good for the Ducks as they trailed 5-0 going into the bottom of the 7th, but they scored 5 runs to tie up the game.  In what became an exciting see-saw battle, the Ducks pulled it out in the 11th inning by a score of 8-7!!  The Indians also knocked off the Yankees so it was a great night for the Indian’s organization.  Thank you to all who came out for some fellowship and to support the Ducks.


May Crowning 2018

Our parish celebrated May Crowning on Thursday, May 3rd.  Thank you Mary Ann for crowning our Blessed Mother!

95th Anniversary/St. Patrick’s Day celebration

March 23rd marked the 95th anniversary of our parish community and what better way to celebrate than with Mass and a party, BUT March 23rd was a Friday of Lent and that weekend was Palm Sunday so the timing was just not going to work.  No problem – we moved the party to the Saturday before which happened to be St. Patrick’s Day and we had a 95th Anniversary/St. Patrick’s Day celebration!  We were honored to have the three men who have been ordained to the priesthood from I.C., Fr, Andy Turner, Fr. Jared Orndorff and Fr.Bobby McWilliams, along with Fr. Sam concelebrate with Fr.Mike at the Mass.  Thanks be to God for 95 years and we look forward with hope to many more years of ministry in the Kenmore Community.

Rite of Election 2018

On Sunday, February 18th, Bishop Nelson Perez welcomed hundreds of Catechumens (non-baptized) and Candidates (baptized in another tradition) from every parish in the diocese to the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist to celebrate the Rite of Election.  Every parish was called by name and came before the Bishop bearing the Book of the Elect which each Catechumen had signed at their parish during the Rite of Sending.  Behind the book-bearer came the Catechumens with their godparents/sponsors and Bishop Perez met each one and shook their hand; he then declared all the non-baptized as The Elect of God.  They will receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.  Bishop Perez then welcomed the Candidates and met and shook hands with each of them and their sponsors.  They will be fully initiated at the Easter Vigil through Confirmation and Eucharist.  The Rite of Election is normally celebrated on the First Sunday of Lent in dioceses around the world.  We ask that you keep our Elect, Dennis Canter, the Elect and Candidates from our cluster partner, St. Augustine, and those around the world in your prayers as they continue to walk the journey toward initiation into the Catholic Church.

Rubber Ducks recap 2017

We held our annual I.C. Night at the Rubber Ducks Game on Friday, August 11th.  Due to a rain-out earlier in the season, we ended up with a double-header against the Binghamton Rumble Ponies.  Where do they get these names??  The Ducks were defeated in the first game, 6-1, but came out a winner in the second, 2-1.  Thank you to all who came out to the ballpark to root on the home team, meet new people, eat ballpark food and enjoy a great fireworks show!

May Crowning 2017

May Crowning was held on Thursday, May 4th.  June Osolin crowned the statue of our Blessed Mother and her husband, John was her attendant.